Exciting news can be found right here on this site! Check out the computer transformation of the AV. The great text that a multitude of Christians have relied upon for the past four centuries brought up-to-date into Modern English. You can read about the motivations here. In a nutshell, the KJV can be computationally transformed into Modern English without loosing information or compromising docrine. This transformation is currently identified as AVX, which is an abbreviation for the Authorized Version Transformation. Subscripts are used to identify the original word. Many passages are simple immediately meaningful by merely allying a modernized lexicon. I will admit that the poetic structure of the KJV is not always fully maintained, but the meaning is unchanged and the readability for most readers is improved. Keep in mind, though, that this is an experimental release. It reveals the capabilities of using machine translation to update the scripture. But all of the differences in this experimental release are limited to updates in the lexicon. The necessity of syntactical updates quickly becomes apparent. For instance, look at John 4:27.

And take note of these two questions:
What seek you?
Why talk you with her?

Wouldn't we rather see the syntax below:
What do you seek?
Why do you talk with her?

If all the syntax issues were simply adding the word "do" and moving the subject before the verb, then I'd be almost done, However, many passages would require more sophisticated computational linguistic techniques to claim that the work is finished.

Still, I'd love it if you'd check out my experimental release here and please relay your thoughts to me directly via email or IM.

By the way, the AV Bible page is being reconstructed. If you came here looking for AV Bible software for Windows, it is available here. But the reason the page is being reconstructed is because those executables have become a bit long in the tooth. In fact, they are incompatible Windows 10; and there are no plans to update these. But not to worry, I'm cooking up some new stuff, including a new Windows application for the KJV built upon the latest "Digital AV" SDK (Digital-AV.org): The application will be named AVWord (avword.com) and is expected to be released some time in 2021.